INDYpendent Creations


APRIL 2006

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Chess Club Awards
Indy got a participation trophy.
Chase was Chess Master Runner up.



Circuit Assembly in Natick, MA.
Saturday Sunday



Freaky Friday
Maple Ave Elementary had Freaky Friday.  The kids had to dress like their parents.  Guess which parent Indy and Chase chose?



Beauty and the Beast
Indy and I went to see Beauty and the Beast on stage at the Palace Theater in Manchester.  We had a great time and had great seats (front row). 


Boston Museum of Science
John Garland's (Kevin's workmate) father works for the museum and he kindly let us use his membership pass. 
Indy was very excited to see this Archimedes water screw since she is making one for a class project.


The museum had a special STAR WARS exhibit.