Chase - 11 years old - Kevin
bought Chase a Walt Disney World t-shirt with Chip 'n Dale on
it. Kevin asked him if he knew who they were. Chase said,
'No, are they still alive?'
Indy - 12 years old - "I know you love
me more than Chase because you discipline me more. So, I've
decided that you should love me less."
Chase - 10 years old - Kevin asked
"H2O is water, what is H2O2?' Chase replied "Hot water?"
Chase - 9 years old - "We should go to
Florida, they have Disney and Apricot."
Chase - 8 years old - "Mommy, I tried
Polish tobacco at Sam's Club." He meant Polish kielbasa.
Chase - 8 years old - "Daddy, if you
had a girlfriend she'd be even uglier that mommy."
Chase - 8 years old - Indy said that
they didn't know any swear words. Chase said "Yes we do. We
know the 'Sh' word that means be quite."
Chase - 7 years old - The lifeguard at
the town pool went home early one day with heat stroke. I
overheard Chase the next day tell someone that she got 'sea sick'.
Indy - 7 years old - She saw a Chevy
Suburban and said "Look Mommy, a Kerri Van."
Chase - 6 years old - "Mommy, the groundhog saw
his shadow, that means six more years of winter".
Chase - 6 years old - "If we pick up all the
trash then there wouldn't be anymore literacy".
Indy - 6 1/2 years old - "Do we have any Orange
Juice without kelp?"
Indy - 6 1/2 years old - She was mad at me so she
said, "Mommy, go to your room, don't watch TV and don't even
iron!" How's that for a punishment?
Indy - 6 years old - "Daddy, I have to come out
of my room, I'm going to expire. Like when food is in the refrigerator
too long."
Chase - 5 years old - "It wasn't a stake, it was
a telephone pole that Jesus was nailed to."
Chase - 4 1/2 years old - I said "Chase you are
almost five years old." He responded "Don't say I'm old."
Chase - 4 1/2 years old - "Mommy, we played a
cheesy game at Andy's house." They had played Parcheesi.
Chase - 4 1/2 years old - I asked him what is means
when we say amen. He said "It means the prayer is over."
Chase - 4 1/2 years old - He wanted to know what the
door on the stall in the bathroom said. I told him it said 'Out Of
Order'. He said "when will they put them back in the right
Chase - 4 1/2 years old - "Mommy, I just put
money in the Kingdom Hall Confusion fund"
Chase - 41/2 years old - "Mommy, I
know why you locked the car. You left your pocketbook in there and you
don't want anyone to steal you mints"
Indy - 6 years old - "Mommy, was it
hard making Chase?"
Indy - 6 years old - We
heard someone swear and I said "nice language". Indy asked
"what language is it, Mommy?"
Indy - 5 years old -
"I love you, Grandma and tell Grandpa he loves me too!'
Indy - 3 years old - When
Indy got her first bike she told Kevin that she didn't want a bike with
"training pants".
Indy - 2 years old -
"Mommy, you're naked under your clothes."
Indy - 2 years old -
"I know my XYZ's."
Indy - 2 years old -
"Who built the Ark, Jesus or Moses?" I told her that Noah did
and she said " but first he needed a blueprint".
Indy - 2 years old - When
asked where she lived, she answered "my house".
Indy - 2 1/2 years old -
"Mommy, does Jesus have a castle?"
Indy - 2 1/2 years old -
In a parking lot, Indy asked if the car next to us was a mini van. I
told her it was a SUV. She said "Mommy, does SOB spell car?"
Indy - 2 1/2 years old -
"Mommy, I know how God made Adam. He took dust from the ground and
then blew his nose."
Chase - 2 1/2 years old -
We had promised Chase a bike when he was potty trained. So, one day he
saw a boy about 12 years old riding a bike and he said "he must be
potty trained."
Chase - 2 1/2 - "I
need cream, my feelings hurt."
Chase - 3 -
"Grandpa, can I have a piggy bank ride?"
Chase - 3 - He turned the
calendar to December and said "after this it is the end of
Chase - 3 - "But
Mommy, we took a bath last year."
Chase - 4 - "Quick
as a pickle."