INDYpendent Creations




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What's New

What's New

In the Beginning Two Become One INDYpendence Cut to the CHASE Adopted AALIYAH Our Little Family The Life of REILLEY For the RECKARD

Kathi's Grandparents


Grandpa  and Grandma Reckard

Kathi's Parents

Grandpa Ron &  Grandma Jan (McClure)

Kathi's Aunt and Uncle

Darrell McClure


Joyce McClure Jackson and Peter

Kathi's Sisters

Kerri & Chris Kittle

April and Doug Sloop

Jana & David Hudson

Johanna & Jason Goodridge

Kathi's Nephews and Nieces

Lee Kittle

Ross and Bonnie Kittle

Gayle Kittle

Madison Kittle

Ethan Kittle



Charlotte Hudson




Katelyn Goodridge

Mackenzie Goodridge




