INDYpendent Creations


September 2005

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These are pictures from our hike up Uncanoonuc South.  We walked up the trail where the railroad was.  There are still signs of the old railway everywhere.



We hiked up the gray path and came down over the yellow/red paths.




Incline railway support arms.




View of Manchester from the summit.



Our vacation to Cape Cod started off with a trip to Boston.  We walked 9 miles on the Freedom Trail. 

Map on the Freedom Trail.




Paul Revere's original home.


Paul Revere's permanent home.




U.S.S Constitution


Bunker Hill Monument - 298 steps to the top and we walked all of them.


The views from the top of the Bunker Hill Monument.




We had the best weather for our annual Cape Cod vacation.  It was prefect beach weather just about every day and so we went to the beach a lot this year.

Erin, Indy and Jane


Erin and Indy


Jane and Chase


Notice that Kevin is wearing a baseball hat, his first one ever!









The cottage from Swan River.